Process for Broughton Travel Fellowship
Recruiting / Application
- Jan 1st - Activate folks
- Schedule time with BHS principal
- Prep last year's Fellow's for publicity
- Alert partners of application process
- Alert selection committee of upcoming applications
- Jan - Update application and upload online
- Feb 1 - Applications open, monitor incoming appliactions
- Mar 1 - Applications close
- Mar - Application review
- Eliminate ineligible applicants and notify them
- Compile and distribute applications for selection committee
- Selection committee scores applicants
- Analyze scores and select applicants for interviews
- Schedule interviews
- Notify those not selected
- Apr - Interview applicants
- Notify applicants and schedule interviews
- Final selection
- Award Fellows, specfic to a program (CCS/NOLS)
- Notify those not selected
- Apr - confirm available locations with partners
- May - announce fellows
Trip preparation
- Immediate next steps to accept
- Written confirmation of acceptance
- Signed note by parents of acceptance
- Set-up time for phone call to answer questions
- High-res head shot for website
- Trip selection
- Provide each Fellow with respective list of available locations/trips
- Select trip:
- #1 preference: location, start date, duration
- #2 preference: different location, start date, duration
- #3 preference: different location, start date duration
- Confirm trip with partners
- Purchase flights
- Identify flights
- Confirm with Fellow
- Purchase
- Community building
- Confirm friends on Facebook and in Facebook group
- Conference call / social to get everyone together
- Invite parents, not donors
- Trip preparation
- Introduce Fellows to partner's liaison
- Confirm passport / vaccination needs
- Assist in buying any goods and services (NOLS)
- Assist with packing help
- Community building
- Confirm friends on Facebook and in Facebook group
- Conference call / social to get everyone together
- Invite parents, not donors
- Final trip prep
- Expectations: TY notes, journal, social media
- Confirm expectations: TY notes, journals, social media
- Debrief calls and/or group get togethers
- Feedback