We've tried our best to anticipate your questions, but if you have questions not answered here, please don't hesitate to contact us.

How long will the trip be? When will it be?

Fellowships are designed to be 4-8 weeks of travel during the summer prior to a student's senior year. This summer is chosen because it precedes the college application process yet ensures increased maturity and independence among students.

Will I be traveling alone? Will there be adult supervision?

If you choose any of the pre-selected trips -- either "Outdoor Adventure" or "Volunteering Abroad" -- you will live and / or travel with a group of other students from around the country. Both of these types of trips will be organized and supervised by the Broughton Travel Fellowship's partners: the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) and Global Leadership Adventures (GLA). Together these organizations have 80 years of experience providing travel-abroad opportunities for young people.

If you choose to "Design Your Own Trip," your adventure will be exactly as you design it. It will not be supervised by a Broughton Travel Fellowship sponsored partner. Any supervision or arranged activities must be planned by the Fellow.

Is there a GPA requirement?

No, there is no GPA requirement. Fellows will be selected based on a combination of demonstrated achievement (academic and extracurricular) as well as the potential for  achievement in the future.

Is there a language requirement?

No, there is no language requirement. In fact, many Fellows may choose to travel to a destination where they can improve their language skills.

What are the selection criteria?

Fellows will be juniors at Broughton who demonstrate financial need, demonstrate academic and extracurricular achievement and have a high potential for future achievement. Fellows will be chosen based on their compatibility with the Fellowship's goals:

  • To cultivate global citizenship and awareness

  • To encourage a non-linear, atypical approach to learning and educational growth

  • To provide substance and perspective to a college-bound student's college application

  • To perpetuate the above goals by sharing lessons within the Fellow's own community

What does "demonstrate financial need" mean?

The ideal candidate would be unable to imagine an adventure like the Broughton Travel Fellowship because his or her family simply doesn't have the money. One clear indicator of this is qualification for "Free and reduced-price lunch" through the Wake County Public Schools. This question is included as optional on the Fellowship application.

I don't go to Broughton - am I eligible?

The Fellowship was initially designed for students at Broughton High School, but students from other schools are eligible to apply. Students from other schools must submit an online application by the stated deadline.

Do I need prior travel experience?

No, prior travel experience is not required. For many this will be the first time traveling alone and for many this will be the first time traveling at all. The goal is to encourage a non-linear, atypical approach to learning and educational growth by seeing new things and gaining new perspective.

What if I don't have a passport?

The U.S. Government requires a passport for all international travel. If your Fellowship requires you to travel abroad and you do not have a passport, the Broughton Travel Fellowship will provide you with guidance on how to obtain a passport and will cover all costs incurred to obtain it. For more information please visit the Department of State's travel website.

Will I need health insurance?

Yes, you will need health insurance to be a Broughton Travel Fellow. In most cases, you may maintain your current provider's plan. In exceptional cases, you may need to purchase additional health insurance. In the event that this is an issue, the Broughton Travel Fellowship will coordinate with the Fellow and her or his family to resolve the issue. Your health and safety is our #1 priority.

Do I need to any shots or medical vaccinations?

Depending on the location of your travel, you may need travel-related vaccinations or medications (for example, preventative malaria medicine in some tropical environments). The Broughton Travel Fellowship will work with Fellows to understand what is required and will cover all costs of any travel-related vaccinations or medications. For more information on a specific location, please visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s travel website.

Will I need to bring spare cash?

It is the goal of the Broughton Travel Fellowship to cover the costs of the trip, including transportation, accommodation, food, and activities. In the event that the Fellow would like to make additional purchases (for examples, gifts for friends and family) or donate to local organizations, the Fellow should plan to spend their own money.

I'm a vegetarian - will I be able to find food to eat?

Yes, vegetarian options will be made available. Broughton Travel Fellowship's partners are more than willing to accommodate dietary restrictions, but Fellows should notify the partner during the preparation phase of any restrictions. Fellows choosing to "Design Your Own Trip" will be responsible for ensuring their own dietary restrictions can be met.

How will I know what to pack?

Prior to travel, the Broughton Travel Fellowship will work with all Fellows to properly prepare for their trip. Broughton Travel Fellowship's partners will have recommended packing lists for their trips, and Broughton Travel Fellowship will help Fellows who "Design Your Own Summer" to be well prepared. In addition to packing lists, preparation will include identification of required travel documents (passports and visas), vaccinations, or travel-related medications.

Are there opportunities to learn more about the program (e.g. info sessions)?

Broughton Travel Fellowship holds an assembly with the junior class at Broughton in January to  announce and explain the Fellowship to each new class. Any additional questions, comments, or suggestions can be directed to BroughtonTravelFellowship@gmail.com

Can I go with a friend?

One goal of the Broughton Travel Fellowship is to push student's beyond their own intrinsic perspective which is encouraged by the linear academic system, their friends, and the surroundings that are most comfortable to them. For this reason, Fellows are discouraged from traveling with their family or friends.

If I choose "Design Your Own Trip", are there any restrictions to my itinerary?

No, there are not any formal restrictions to your proposal. Selection will, however, be based on the goals of the Fellowship. These goals are...

  • To cultivate global citizenship and awareness

  • To encourage a non-linear, atypical approach to learning and educational growth

  • To provide substance and perspective to a college-bound student's college application

  • To perpetuate the above goals by sharing lessons within the Fellow's own community

If I choose "Design Your Own Trip", can I visit more than one place?

Yes, there is no restriction on how many places you may visit. However, keep in mind that flight costs are often the most expensive portion of your budget.

Why / how was this Fellowship created?

The Fellowship was founded by a Broughton graduate who found his own travel experiences invaluable to his development. It is sustained by Broughton alumni and community members who see the value of cross-cultural exchange and international exposure for the development of leaders in the rising generation. For you, the applicant, this is a defining opportunity to discover the world and mature as an independent and globally-minded thinker.